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Cromar Cold Gritting Adhesive

Cromar Cold Gritting Adhesive
A solvent based, cold applied bituminous adhesive for bonding chippings to flat or low pitched roofs.

The adhesive is supplied ready to use and must not be diluted or heated.

It is designed to bond a wide variety o faggregates to built-up felt and mastic asphalt roof surfaces.

It then provides a final solar reflective, weatherproof and damage resistant surface.

Chippings compatible with cold gritting adhesive include limestone, granite, white calcined spar, flint, gravel and slate mineral chippings.
Apply using either a stiff brush, mop or squeegee.
Cold gritting adhesive is suitable for roofs with up to a 10º slope.
All surfaces must be free from oil, dirt, dustand loose debris.
The surface should be preferably dry although the product may be applied to a damp but not wet or waterlogged surface.
The compound should be spread evenly direct from the container in convenient areas of 20m² at a time.
Do not allow pooling of the solution or the covering to be too thin. The chippings should be applied immediately into the wet film.
Care should be taken not to over-chip and to ensure that the chippings cover the film shoulder to shoulder.
Proceed to the next 20m² area. Leaving the completed areas for at least 72 hours and then lightly brush off any excess chippings. Do not leave any blankfilm exposed.
Tools may be cleaned with white spirit. Minor spillages should be wiped off surfaces before the roofing felt adhesive has set.
Major spillages should be mopped up immediately with an inert, absorbent material, suchas sand and disposed on in accordance with current regulations.



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