An air entraining plasticiser that replaces lime in the mix to provide a butter like consistency to the mortar to prevent shrinkage, crackle and crazing during the setting process. 5 Available 5 litre and 25 litre bottles.
5L – 5 Bottles £4.99 per bottle
5L – 10 Bottles £4.75 per bottle
5L – 15 Bottles £4.50 per bottle
5L – 20 Bottles £4.25 per bottle
5L – 25 Bottles £3.99 per bottle
5L – 50 Bottles £3.50 per bottle
25L – 5 Bottles £24.99 per bottle
25L – 10 Bottles £22.99 per bottle
25L – 15 Bottles £19.99 per bottle
25L – 20 Bottles £17.99 per bottle
25L – 25 Bottles £15.99 per bottle
25L – 50 Bottles £13.99 per bottle